5 Killer Mistakes – Part 3

The last 2 posts covered the first four of the killer mistakes you could make that will not only make you lose your big fish client, but possibly your entire company. Today we’re going to explore the fifth and final killer mistake: Up Cash Creek Without a Paddle Even when business is good, there’s still […]

5 Killer Mistakes – Part 2

In the last post we covered the first two of the 5 biggest mistakes you can make in dealing with big fish clients. Today we’ll cover the third and fourth ones: Taking on More Than You Can Handle and All Your Eggs in One Basket Taking on More Than You Can Handle When you take […]

5 Killer Mistakes – Part 1

After working so hard to catch your big fish client, here are 5 big mistakes that will undo it all. They are: Not meeting the client’s expectations; Mishandling a client crisis; Taking on more than you can handle; Putting all your eggs in one basket; Up cash creek without a paddle.   Any one or […]

Untangle your client’s red tape

In our last post we covered how to bring the big-company mindset into your business and make sure you are “the most attractive worm” when targeting big fish clients. This will help you overcome the mental obstacles that will keep you from being successful. Now that you’ve learned how to overcome that, we’re going to […]

Be the most attractive worm!

The previous post started our series on catching big clients, or “fish”, which will sustain your business over the long run. Today we’re going to take that a step further by exploring how to turn your mind to think like a big fish company and how that can help you plan your approach and find […]

Are You Aiding & Abetting E-Myths?

Today we are going to embark upon a journey through the world of e-myths and debunk them to help you avoid falling into the e-myth trap. First, let’s take a minute to discuss what an e-myth is. An entrepreneurial myth, or e-myth, is an assumption that anyone can succeed at business with: Desire; Some capital; […]

Educate Your Customers

Educate them about what, you may be thinking. Well, consider this, many businesses focus solely on attracting new customers, but you NEED to spend a good chunk of your time retaining current and former customers. These are people you already know to be a good sales potential…they’ve already bought from you! Take the time to […]